This notice describes how we, Kokalabz.com, process the personal data you provide us when using our Website, kokalabz.com. Please read it carefully. We care about your privacy. We have therefore implemented technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data you provide us when using our Website.


2.1 Process Orders Made via our Website

In connection with an order, we collect information regarding your name (first name and last name), email address, telephone number and address. We process the collected data to administer your order, including communicating with you regarding the order (e.g. for support purposes in the event of any issues with the delivery of the items) and to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. Being a customer of Kokalabz.com is only possible if you accept the handling of the above-stated personal information. Kokalabz.com will keep your data as long as you are a company customer and for another 36 months for written purposes. After that, they will be saved by specific law requirements, for example, the Swedish bookkeeping law. After this time has passed, your personal information will be deleted.

Furthermore, when paying via the Website, you must provide further information, such as debit or credit card information. We use third-party payment providers to process payments via the Website. The payment providers are data controllers for processing your data to process payments. The provision of the categories of personal data outlined above is required for us to administrate your order. If you do not provide the required information, we cannot process your order. We keep information regarding your order and transaction, including any support email relating to the order, should any issues arise with the delivered products and for accounting purposes.

2.2 Use of the Website and Newsletters

Based on your consent, we may also process personal data, e.g., your name and email address, that you voluntarily provide to us when ticking a checkbox in our checkout to review a product or sign up for our newsletter. Any posted review will be kept until further notice, and we will keep sending our newsletter to you until you de-register from future communications from us. Additionally, we collect visitor statistics, including content and pages visited, referring websites and searches made on our Website. We use the data to personalize the online user and shopping experience and to develop, test and continuously improve our Website. We do not collect complete IP addresses. Thus, the collected data cannot be connected to or used to identify you. To collect visitor statistics, we use cookies and similar technologies. By enabling cookies in your web browser and using our Site, you consent to our use of cookies.

2.3 Direct Marketing and Surveys

Based on your consent, we may process your email address to send direct marketing information to you to satisfy our legitimate interest in informing you of offers about our products and services. We may also process data regarding your order history, order value, payment method used and from which country you accessed our Website to send you relevant and tailored offers via email and other similar ways of electronic communication. You have the right to at any time oppose our processing of your data for direct marketing purposes and de-register from future communications from us; please see contact details below. Furthermore, we may process your name, email address and order history to conduct customer surveys to satisfy our legitimate interest in obtaining further knowledge of how our customers view us and our products and services. The individual results of the surveys are only retained during such period that it takes for us to compile the impact on an aggregated level and is after that deleted. The aggregated information is kept until further notice.

2.4 Statistics and Business Development

We may process the personal data you provide, including location, purchased product categories and information regarding payment method, when using our Website for statistical purposes, e.g., to see how many individuals in a specific age range have purchased our particular product. This statistical information may be used for business development purposes. Processing your data is necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in continuously improving our business and providing new products and services.


3.1 Third-Party Payment Providers

Your personal information could be handled by a so-called data processor that helps in our communication with you. This data processor will only hold your personal information by the guidelines for which it was collected. We use third-party payment providers to handle payments via our Website. To administer the order and for the performance of the agreement between you and us, we will disclose information regarding your name, address, order information, and debit or credit card information and device used for purchase to the third-party payment provider. As stated above, the payment providers are data controllers for processing your data to process payments.

3.2 Delivery and Storage Partners and Other Third-Party Service Providers

To handle orders, we use third-party delivery services and storage partners. As such, to administer the order and fulfil our contractual obligations to you, we will share your data, including your name, address and telephone number, and order information, with our delivery and storage partners. Moreover, for the purposes outlined above in Section 2, engage additional third-party service providers not mentioned in this section, e.g., to conduct customer surveys and send tailored offers. Our third-party service providers are contractually obligated only to process your data by our strict instructions and may not use your data for their purposes. Additionally, they are bound to implement technical and organizational security measures to protect and safeguard your data.

3.3 Other Third Parties

Finally, we may process and disclose the personal data that you have provided to other third parties than outlined above to fulfil our legitimate interest of complying with applicable laws and regulations and lawful regulatory requests or relevant orders from competent courts and public authorities and to establish, exercise and defend legal claims. Additionally, we may disclose your data to third parties in case of a merger or a transfer of assets to fulfil our legitimate interest in carrying out such a merger or transfer of assets.


You have the right to request access to the personal data that we store about you. You also have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data be corrected. Furthermore, to the extent our processing is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke our consent to our processing of your data. Should you have any issues regarding our data processing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Naturally, you also have the right to complain to your local Data Inspection Board. As of 25 May 2018, you also have, to the extent applicable data protection laws provide, a right to the erasure of personal data, restriction of processing, to object to specific processing and a right to data portability. The right to data portability covers the personal data that you have provided to us and which we process either based on your consent or to fulfil our contractual obligations. This typically includes your name, email address, telephone number, address, order information, and order history. It may also include any product reviews you have made on the Website and survey results.


We use third-party delivery and storage partners based in China, Japan and the U.S. As such, your data may, in connection with a purchase, be transferred outside the EU/EEA to countries which do not have the same level of protection for personal data as countries within the EU/EEA. To ensure that your data is adequately protected, we provide that there are appropriate safeguards in place by way of data transfer agreements, including standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission. As of 25 May 2018, you can receive a copy of the clauses by contacting us at the contact details below.


If we make any changes to this information, we will notify you in the Help Center. Keep yourself up to date with our Privacy Policy when visiting our Site.


If you have any questions or concerns about our processing of personal data, don’t hesitate to contact us using the following contact details.


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